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Welcome to NoxMagicae's rules page!
Click on the tabs above to see the different sections of the rules.

Note: Along with our rules listed, as our servers are so tightly integrated with discord we also strongly encourage you to follow Discord's Terms of Service at all times whilst on our Network. Not doing so may result in actions being taken against you either by us or discord.

Server Punishments:

Server punishments vary based on the offense, situation, and user history. We have a standard punishment track, but our team can use discretion and apply punishments not listed in the server rules. We are not bound to provide evidence for punishments. Punishments are final, any backlash from punishments in public channels will result in further punishment. If you believe a punishment, you receive is unjustified you can raise a ticket and appeal.

Punishment track:

Default Punishment Track: Warning -> 1-hour timeout -> 1-day timeout -> 7-days timeout -> Server ban. Unless said within rules for an Immediate Ban

Useful links:

Note: We strongly suggest you always follow the Discord Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Breaking these rules may result in a server ban.

Immediate Ban

1. Discrimination:

Racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and similar behaviour are prohibited. Engaging in such behaviour may result in a permanent ban.

2. Adult Content:

Sharing any form of pornographic, adult, or NSFW material will lead to a permanent ban. Inappropriate visual content, unsuitable for minors is forbidden.

3. Advertising:

Any forms of advertising are not allowed. This includes “Join my discord”, “Check out my YouTube”, or “DM me for free nitro”.

Punishment Track

4. Disrespect:

Treat all members with respect, regardless of personal o\pinions or feelings.

5. Drama:

Avoid drama, trolling, political debates, and religious discussions.

6. Spamming:

Excessive emojis, repeated text, symbols, mentions, and chain messages is prohibited.

7. English Only:

To make sure everyone can easily communicate and for us to aid you effectively, please speak in English only. Messages in other languages will be removed.

8. Support:

Please refrain from tagging or DM’ing staff for aid. Staff do not have to be available 24/7 and have their own lives outside of NoxMagicae. If you have an issue that requires a more urgent approach, please go create a ticket.

9. Proper Channel Usage:

For questions or issues, use ⁠⁠support. For general chatting, use general chat.

10. Usernames:

Non-English standard character usernames will be moderated. Usernames within discord must also reflect your in-game name. Be it Minecraft or Steam.

Unless stated otherwise all rules below will follow standard punishment track depending on severity


Under NO circumstances is griefing allowed on any of our mod-packs. Doing so will result in an immediate ban across ALL servers.

AFK Machines:

AFK Machines are not allowed. We are self-hosted and have 10 player limits per server, as you can imagine this is rather small. Therefore, AFK machines are not allowed to allow space for people who are playing.


Any chunks that are force-loaded must not have any mob-farms/animal farms. This is to help minimize lag and avoid items collecting on the ground.


All farms, mob farms, animal farms, item farms, and generators must have sufficient storage and void overflow. Any farms that do not have extra items being voided will be disabled or removed. You will be made aware to amend following our rules and if the above is not amended and reactivated you will be given a formal warning.